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Master of Arts (Honours) Medieval History and Social Anthropology

MA (Hons) Medieval History (Joint Honours): First year
Code Module name Credits
ME1003 The Fall of Rome and the Origins of Europe (400-1000) 20 AND
ME1006 The Kingdom of the Scots, c.900-1707 20 AND
Remaining credits from Level 1000 options

Further requirements

Choose 120 credits in the academic year

Over the first two years, a further pass (other than ME2003) must be at 11 or better and at least 40 credits must be gained in modules other than those in the ranges AN, HI, ME, MH, MO and DI2006.

MA (Hons) Social Anthropology (Joint Honours): First year
Code Module name Credits
SA1002 Ways of Thinking 20 AND
Remaining credits from Level 1000 options

Further requirements

Choose 120 credits in the academic year

It is recommended to select SA1001 in addition to SA1002.

MA (Hons) Medieval History (Joint Honours): Second year
Code Module name Credits
^ ME2003 Medieval Europe (11th - 15th c.) 20 AND
^ View list 20 credits from Module List: AN2005, HI2001, MH2002, MO2008 AND
HI2001 History as a Discipline: Development and Key Concepts 20
MH2002 Introduction to Middle Eastern History 20
MO2008 Scotland, Britain and Empire (c. 1700 - 2000) 20
AN2005 Narratives of antiquity 20
- Not all modules are available in every academic year and/or semester
- Individual modules may have requisites to satisfy to be eligible to select them

For further details, see the module catalogue entry for each individual module above
Remaining credits from Levels 1000 and 2000 options

Further requirements

Choose 120 credits in the academic year
Choose a minimum of 80 Level 2000 credits

Over the first two years, a further pass (other than ME2003) must be at 11 or better and at least 40 credits must be gained in modules other than those in the ranges AN, HI, ME, MH, MO and DI2006.

Automatic entry to Honours requires

  • passes in modules marked ^
MA (Hons) Social Anthropology (Joint Honours): Second year
Code Module name Credits
^ SA2001 The Foundations of Social Anthropology 20 AND
^ SA2002 Ethnographic Encounters 20 AND
Remaining credits from Levels 1000 and 2000 options

Further requirements

Choose 120 credits in the academic year
Choose a minimum of 80 Level 2000 credits

Automatic entry to Honours requires

  • passes in modules marked ^

Entry to Honours

Students who meet the requirements specified above, and who meet all other programme requirements, will be given automatic entry into Honours programmes.

See: )

MA Honours

The general requirements are 480 credits over a period of normally four years (and not more than five years) or part-time equivalent, of which the final two years form an approved Honours programme of 240 credits, of which 90 credits are at 4000 level and at least a further 120 credits at 3000 and/or 4000 levels.

MA (Hons) Medieval History (Joint Honours): Third year
Code Module name Credits
View list 60 credits from Module List: ME3001 - ME3689, MO3026, MO3036, MO3037, MO3043 - MO3044, MO3080 - MO3081
ME3019 Early English Society c.600-850 30
ME3020 The Chastising Church: Excommunication, Public Penance and Interdict in the High Middle Ages 30
ME3105 Archaeological Methods 30
ME3106 The History and Archaeology of Medieval Monasticism 30
ME3142 The Castle in Medieval Scotland (1100 - 1550) 30
ME3162 The Medieval Castle 30
ME3163 The Imperial City: Byzantine and Ottoman Constantinople 30
ME3206 Inclusion and Exclusion in the Middle Ages 30
ME3214 Italian City States: from Communes to Signorie c. 1000- c. 1350 30
ME3223 The Rise and Fall of the Carolingian Empire, c.750 - 900 30
ME3231 Medieval Apocalyptic Traditions 400 - 1200 30
ME3232 Queens and Queenship in Early Medieval Europe 30
ME3237 Legal Cultures in Late Antiquity 30
ME3238 Holy Lives in Late Antiquity 30
ME3240 Pandemic, Medicine and Society in the Early Middle Ages 30
ME3241 Sex and Gender in Medieval Europe 30
ME3242 'In a Dark Wood Wandering': War, Plague, and Society in Valois France, 1328-1422 30
ME3243 Orkneyinga saga: Text and Context in the Medieval North Atlantic 30
ME3304 Age of Conquest: Edward I - Scotland and Wales (1239 - 1307) 30
ME3308 Scotland Begins: Iona, Dál Riata and the Picts 30
ME3309 Medieval St Andrews 30
ME3313 Early Irish Society (c. 600-800) 30
ME3314 Times of trouble: civil conflicts in the later fifteenth century 30
ME3315 Scandinavians in the First Millennium 30
ME3407 Courtroom Dramas: Literature, Law and Lordship 30
ME3425 The Age of Revolt (1250 - 1450) 30
ME3427 Nature and the Occult in the Late Middle Ages 30
ME3428 Death and the Afterlife in Later Medieval Europe 30
ME3430 The Papal Monarchy: Popes, emperors and kings in the high middle ages 30
ME3431 Senses and Feelings in the Later Middle Ages 30
ME3432 The Devil's Brood: Power and Authority in High Medieval England 30
ME3433 The Medieval Landscape and Environment 30
ME3502 The Medieval Book 30
ME3602 The Crusades viewed from the other side: Muslim perspectives 30
ME3608 Eastern Approaches: Early Medieval Armenia c. 500 - 750 30
ME3611 The Eastern Roman Empire in the Reign of Justinian 527 - 565 30
ME3612 Cataclysm and Consolidation: the Reconfiguration of the Middle East in the Seventh Century 30
ME3613 Arabs, Persians and Turks in the Early Islamic East in the Age of the Caliphates (600 - 1200) 30
ME3616 Missionaries, Assassins and State-builders: Militant Shiæism in the Medieval Muslim World 30
ME3617 The Mamluks And The Mamluk Sultanate 30
MO3043 Early Modern Rome (1300 - 1667) 30
MO3044 Topics in Renaissance Venice 30
MO3080 Nomadic Heritage and Persianate Culture: the Iranian world from Timurids to the Safavids (1370-1722) 30
MO3081 The Ottoman Empire 1300 - 1700 30
- Not all modules are available in every academic year and/or semester
- Individual modules may have requisites to satisfy to be eligible to select them

For further details, see the module catalogue entry for each individual module above

Further requirements

Choose between 120 to 160 credits in academic year

Not more than 90 Honours credits may be chosen from modules taught by any one member of staff and not more than 90 Honours credits may be chosen from modules in British History

MA (Hons) Social Anthropology (Joint Honours): Third year
Code Module name Credits
View list 30 credits from Module List: SA3000 - SA3999 (excluding SA3901 - SA3903) AND
SA3033 Anthropology of the Cold War 30
SA3053 Individuality, Community and Morality 30
SA3055 Anthropology and History 30
SA3057 Sex and Gender 30
SA3059 Colonial and Post-Colonial Representations 30
SA3060 Contemporary Issues in Social Anthropology 30
SA3061 Reading Ethnography 30
SA3062 Anthropology, Indigenous Peoples and Resource Extraction 30
SA3064 The Anthropology of Migration 30
SA3065 Anthropology of Economic Life 30
SA3066 Sorcery and Conspiracy: The Anthropology of Alternate Realities 30
SA3067 Colonial and Postcolonial Medicine 30
SA3068 Anthropology of Global Capitalism 30
SA3069 The Anthropology of Borders, Boundaries and Frontiers 30
SA3070 Anthropology of Planetary Health 30
SA3071 Anthropology of the City: From Ur to Urban Hip Hop 30
SA3072 The Anthropology of Political Violence 30
SA3506 Methods in Social Anthropology 30
- Not all modules are available in every academic year and/or semester
- Individual modules may have requisites to satisfy to be eligible to select them

For further details, see the module catalogue entry for each individual module above
View list 30 credits from Module List: SA3000 - SA4089, SA4400 - SA4899 (except SA3901 - SA3903, SA4794 - SA4797)
SA3033 Anthropology of the Cold War 30
SA3053 Individuality, Community and Morality 30
SA3055 Anthropology and History 30
SA3057 Sex and Gender 30
SA3059 Colonial and Post-Colonial Representations 30
SA3060 Contemporary Issues in Social Anthropology 30
SA3061 Reading Ethnography 30
SA3062 Anthropology, Indigenous Peoples and Resource Extraction 30
SA3064 The Anthropology of Migration 30
SA3065 Anthropology of Economic Life 30
SA3066 Sorcery and Conspiracy: The Anthropology of Alternate Realities 30
SA3067 Colonial and Postcolonial Medicine 30
SA3068 Anthropology of Global Capitalism 30
SA3069 The Anthropology of Borders, Boundaries and Frontiers 30
SA3070 Anthropology of Planetary Health 30
SA3071 Anthropology of the City: From Ur to Urban Hip Hop 30
SA3072 The Anthropology of Political Violence 30
SA3506 Methods in Social Anthropology 30
SA4007 Intersectionalities: Gender, Sexuality, Race, and Migration 30
SA4040 Perception, Imagination and Communication 30
SA4058 Visual Anthropology 30
SA4059 Living with Material Culture 30
SA4060 Anthropology and Religion 30
SA4061 Anthropology of Epidemics 30
SA4062 Anthropology of Justice 30
SA4063 Anthropology of Catastrophe 30
SA4064 Anthropology of Energy 30
SA4065 The Anthropology of Art 30
SA4067 Communicating Anthropology 30
SA4068 Rubbish Anthropology 30
SA4069 Technologies of Power and Resistance 30
SA4855 Literary Anthropology 30
SA4863 Youth in Africa 30
SA4864 Melanesian Anthropology 30
SA4867 Anthropology of Politics and Governance 30
SA4868 Anthropology of Latin America: Contemporary issues 30
SA4870 Crisis and Rupture: Theories of social change in the contemporary world 30
- Not all modules are available in every academic year and/or semester
- Individual modules may have requisites to satisfy to be eligible to select them

For further details, see the module catalogue entry for each individual module above

Further requirements

Choose between 120 to 160 credits in academic year

SA3506 must be taken if the student wishes to take SA4099, SA4794 or SA4796 in Fourth Year.

MA (Hons) Medieval History (Joint Honours): Fourth year
Code Module name Credits
View list 60 credits from Module List: ME4701 - ME4889 OR
ME4750 Conflict and Cohabitation: Northern Britain c.550 – 750 60
ME4752 Robert Bruce and Edward II: Kings, Nobles and Communities in the British Isles (1306 – 1346) 60
ME4757 Monks and Nuns, Saints and Nobles: Germany in the High Middle Ages 60
ME4758 Gendered Lives: Men and Women in the Later Middle Ages 60
ME4806 The Age of Charlemagne c. 750 - 830 60
ME4807 The Early Mendicants: Francis, Clare and Dominic (c. 1180 - c. 1270) 60
ME4813 The Merovingian World 60
ME4815 France from Philip Augustus to Philip the Fair, c.1180-1315 60
ME4816 The Western Just War Tradition: Ethics, Laws, and Practices of War from Antiquity to the Renaissance 60
ME4852 From Leo VI to Basil II: Byzantium in the Tenth Century 60
ME4855 Crusaders, Mongols and Mamluks: West and East in the Mid-Thirteenth Century 60
ME4856 From Byzantium to the Ottoman Empire 60
ME4857 The Mongol Empire and the Islamic World 60
- Not all modules are available in every academic year and/or semester
- Individual modules may have requisites to satisfy to be eligible to select them

For further details, see the module catalogue entry for each individual module above
( View list 30 credits from Module List: HI4999, HI4997 AND
HI4999 Honours Dissertation in History 30
HI4997 Recording the Past 30
- Not all modules are available in every academic year and/or semester
- Individual modules may have requisites to satisfy to be eligible to select them

For further details, see the module catalogue entry for each individual module above
View list 30 credits from Module List: ME3001 - ME3689, MO3026, MO3036, MO3037, MO3043 - MO3044, MO3080 - MO3081 ) OR
ME3019 Early English Society c.600-850 30
ME3020 The Chastising Church: Excommunication, Public Penance and Interdict in the High Middle Ages 30
ME3105 Archaeological Methods 30
ME3106 The History and Archaeology of Medieval Monasticism 30
ME3142 The Castle in Medieval Scotland (1100 - 1550) 30
ME3162 The Medieval Castle 30
ME3163 The Imperial City: Byzantine and Ottoman Constantinople 30
ME3206 Inclusion and Exclusion in the Middle Ages 30
ME3214 Italian City States: from Communes to Signorie c. 1000- c. 1350 30
ME3223 The Rise and Fall of the Carolingian Empire, c.750 - 900 30
ME3231 Medieval Apocalyptic Traditions 400 - 1200 30
ME3232 Queens and Queenship in Early Medieval Europe 30
ME3237 Legal Cultures in Late Antiquity 30
ME3238 Holy Lives in Late Antiquity 30
ME3240 Pandemic, Medicine and Society in the Early Middle Ages 30
ME3241 Sex and Gender in Medieval Europe 30
ME3242 'In a Dark Wood Wandering': War, Plague, and Society in Valois France, 1328-1422 30
ME3243 Orkneyinga saga: Text and Context in the Medieval North Atlantic 30
ME3304 Age of Conquest: Edward I - Scotland and Wales (1239 - 1307) 30
ME3308 Scotland Begins: Iona, Dál Riata and the Picts 30
ME3309 Medieval St Andrews 30
ME3313 Early Irish Society (c. 600-800) 30
ME3314 Times of trouble: civil conflicts in the later fifteenth century 30
ME3315 Scandinavians in the First Millennium 30
ME3407 Courtroom Dramas: Literature, Law and Lordship 30
ME3425 The Age of Revolt (1250 - 1450) 30
ME3427 Nature and the Occult in the Late Middle Ages 30
ME3428 Death and the Afterlife in Later Medieval Europe 30
ME3430 The Papal Monarchy: Popes, emperors and kings in the high middle ages 30
ME3431 Senses and Feelings in the Later Middle Ages 30
ME3432 The Devil's Brood: Power and Authority in High Medieval England 30
ME3433 The Medieval Landscape and Environment 30
ME3502 The Medieval Book 30
ME3602 The Crusades viewed from the other side: Muslim perspectives 30
ME3608 Eastern Approaches: Early Medieval Armenia c. 500 - 750 30
ME3611 The Eastern Roman Empire in the Reign of Justinian 527 - 565 30
ME3612 Cataclysm and Consolidation: the Reconfiguration of the Middle East in the Seventh Century 30
ME3613 Arabs, Persians and Turks in the Early Islamic East in the Age of the Caliphates (600 - 1200) 30
ME3616 Missionaries, Assassins and State-builders: Militant Shiæism in the Medieval Muslim World 30
ME3617 The Mamluks And The Mamluk Sultanate 30
MO3043 Early Modern Rome (1300 - 1667) 30
MO3044 Topics in Renaissance Venice 30
MO3080 Nomadic Heritage and Persianate Culture: the Iranian world from Timurids to the Safavids (1370-1722) 30
MO3081 The Ottoman Empire 1300 - 1700 30
- Not all modules are available in every academic year and/or semester
- Individual modules may have requisites to satisfy to be eligible to select them

For further details, see the module catalogue entry for each individual module above
View list 60 credits from Module List: HI4998, (ID4002 and HI4101)
HI4998 Honours Project in History 30
ID4002 Communication and Teaching in Arts and Humanities 15
HI4101 Communication in History 15
- Not all modules are available in every academic year and/or semester
- Individual modules may have requisites to satisfy to be eligible to select them

For further details, see the module catalogue entry for each individual module above

Further requirements

Choose 120 credits in academic year

HI4997 is only available to students with permission from the Chair of the Degree.
Access to ID4002 and HI4101 requires the permission of the Director of Teaching.
HI4998 can replace HI4999 if the student has the permission to take (ID4002 and HI4101).

Not more than 90 Honours credits may be chosen from modules taught by any one member of staff and not more than 90 Honours credits may be chosen from modules in British History

MA (Hons) Social Anthropology (Joint Honours): Fourth year
Code Module name Credits
View list 60 credits from Module List: SA4000 - SA4299, SA4400 - SA4899, (SA4301 and ID4002)
SA4007 Intersectionalities: Gender, Sexuality, Race, and Migration 30
SA4040 Perception, Imagination and Communication 30
SA4058 Visual Anthropology 30
SA4059 Living with Material Culture 30
SA4060 Anthropology and Religion 30
SA4061 Anthropology of Epidemics 30
SA4062 Anthropology of Justice 30
SA4063 Anthropology of Catastrophe 30
SA4064 Anthropology of Energy 30
SA4065 The Anthropology of Art 30
SA4067 Communicating Anthropology 30
SA4068 Rubbish Anthropology 30
SA4069 Technologies of Power and Resistance 30
SA4098 Library-based Dissertation 30
SA4099 Primary Research-based Dissertation 30
SA4794 Joint Dissertation (30cr) 30
SA4795 Joint Dissertation (60cr) 60
SA4796 Joint Project (30cr) 30
SA4797 Joint Project (60cr) 60
SA4855 Literary Anthropology 30
SA4863 Youth in Africa 30
SA4864 Melanesian Anthropology 30
SA4867 Anthropology of Politics and Governance 30
SA4868 Anthropology of Latin America: Contemporary issues 30
SA4870 Crisis and Rupture: Theories of social change in the contemporary world 30
ID4002 Communication and Teaching in Arts and Humanities 15
- Not all modules are available in every academic year and/or semester
- Individual modules may have requisites to satisfy to be eligible to select them

For further details, see the module catalogue entry for each individual module above

Further requirements

Choose 120 credits in academic year

If selected SA4301 must be taken with ID4002.

Study abroad

In the case of students who spend part of the Honours programme on a recognised Study Abroad scheme, the Programme Requirements will be amended to take into account overseas courses which are approved by the relevant St Andrews School in the Learning Agreement (see ).