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Master of Arts (Honours) Biblical Studies and Film Studies

MA (Hons) Biblical Studies (Joint Honours): First year
Code Module name Credits
DI1003 The Art of Biblical Literature: Introducing the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament 20 AND
DI1006 Jesus and the Gospels 20 AND
(( DI1004 Hebrew 1: Introduction to Hebrew Language 20 AND
DI2002 Hebrew 2 20 ) OR
( DI1005 New Testament Greek 1 20 AND
DI2201 New Testament Greek 2 20 )) AND
20 credits from Level 1000 options

Further requirements

Choose 120 credits in the academic year

MA (Hons) Film Studies (Joint Honours): First year
Code Module name Credits
FM1001 Key Concepts in Film Studies 20 AND
FM1002 Global Film History and Historiography 20 AND
Remaining credits from Level 1000 options

Further requirements

Choose 120 credits in the academic year

MA (Hons) Biblical Studies (Joint Honours): Second year
Code Module name Credits
( ^ DI2003 Christ, Paul, and the Origins of Christianity A (English Texts) 20 OR
^ DI2013 Christ, Paul, and the Origins of Christianity B (Greek Texts) 20 ) AND
( ^ DI2015 Reading the Women of the Old Testament A (English Texts) 20 OR
^ DI2014 Reading the Women of the Old Testament B (Hebrew Texts) 20 ) AND
Remaining credits from Levels 1000 and 2000 options

Further requirements

Choose 120 credits in the academic year
Choose a minimum of 80 Level 2000 credits

Students taking Biblical Studies and Hebrew MUST take the Hebrew options shown above

Students taking Biblical Studies and Greek MUST take the Greek options shown above

Automatic entry to Honours requires

  • passes in modules marked ^
MA (Hons) Film Studies (Joint Honours): Second year
Code Module name Credits
^ FM2002 Film Theory 20 AND
^ FM2003 Screen Cultures today: media and methods 20 AND
Remaining credits from Levels 1000 and 2000 options

Further requirements

Choose 120 credits in the academic year
Choose a minimum of 80 Level 2000 credits

Automatic entry to Honours requires

  • passes in modules marked ^

Entry to Honours

Students who meet the requirements specified above, and who meet all other programme requirements, will be given automatic entry into Honours programmes.

See: )

MA Honours

The general requirements are 480 credits over a period of normally four years (and not more than five years) or part-time equivalent, of which the final two years form an approved Honours programme of 240 credits, of which 90 credits are at 4000 level and at least a further 120 credits at 3000 and/or 4000 levels.

MA (Hons) Biblical Studies (Joint Honours): Third year
Code Module name Credits
DI3719 The Bible Through the Ages: History, Theology, and Hermeneutics 30 AND
View list 30 credits from Module List: DI3716, DI3717, DI4600 - DI4749, DI4750 - DI4789
DI3716 Readings in Early Christian Greek Texts 30
DI4604 Johannine Literature and Theology: English Text 30
DI4605 Johannine Literature and Theology: Greek Text 30
DI4608 Gospel of Matthew (English Texts) 30
DI4609 Gospel of Matthew (Greek Texts) 30
DI4615 New Testament Special Topic: 30
DI4616 Atonement 30
DI4626 The Book of Revelation: English Texts 30
DI4627 The Book of Revelation: English and Greek Texts 30
DI4628 Epistle to the Hebrews: English Text 30
DI4629 Epistle to the Hebrews: Greek Text 30
DI4630 The Gospel of Mark: English Text 30
DI4631 The Gospel of Mark: Greek Text 30
DI4634 God and Morality: Faith and Philosophy in the Scottish Enlightenment 30
DI4635 Prophetic Books 30
DI4700 Hebrew Prose and Poetry 30
DI4705 Biblical Aramaic 30
DI4710 Exegesis of Biblical Hebrew Texts 30
DI4711 Old Testament Special Topic: Prophets (Hebrew Texts) 30
DI4726 Hebrew Readings 30
DI4730 The Book of Daniel 30
DI4731 Ancient Jewish Literature from 1 Enoch to the Mishnah 30
DI4732 King and Messiah in the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament and Second Temple Judaism 30
DI4733 Creation and Chaos in the Hebrew Bible and the Ancient Near East 30
DI4750 Themes and Texts in Christian-Buddhist Dialogue 30
DI3717 Holy Scripture, Sacred Earth: The Bible and Ecology 30
- Not all modules are available in every academic year and/or semester
- Individual modules may have requisites to satisfy to be eligible to select them

For further details, see the module catalogue entry for each individual module above

Further requirements

Choose between 120 to 160 credits in academic year

MA (Hons) Film Studies (Joint Honours): Third year
Code Module name Credits
View list 60 credits from Module List: FM4100 - FM4899
FM4102 Cinema and Politics 30
FM4104 Film and History 30
FM4106 War and Cinema 30
FM4107 Cinema and Nation 30
FM4108 Cinema and Media in the Digital Age 30
FM4109 Film and the Archive 30
FM4110 Images and Impact: The Uses of Film 30
FM4113 Ecocinema: The Nature of Film 30
FM4114 Film Genres 30
FM4115 Sensory Cinema 30
FM4116 Stars 30
FM4117 Modernity and the Moving Image 30
FM4118 Film and Fashion 30
FM4119 Horror on screen 30
FM4120 Silent Cinema 30
FM4121 Screen Comedy 30
FM4122 Watching the Detectives: Murder, Mystery and the Media 30
FM4123 Artists' Film and Video 30
FM4124 Race and Representation 30
FM4125 Global Film Colour 30
FM4126 Creativity in screen cultures: collaboration, labour and scholarship 30
FM4127 Animation 30
FM4128 Television Form and Culture 30
FM4129 Film Materiality 30
FM4130 Cinema and Neoliberalism 30
FM4131 Cinema and Travel 30
FM4202 The Cinema in Eastern Europe 30
FM4204 Asian Cinemas 30
FM4205 Cinema in Scotland 30
FM4206 Cinemas of India 30
FM4207 British Cinemas: Conventions, Subversions, and Outsiders 30
FM4208 City in Asian Cinema 30
FM4303 Documentary Cinema 30
FM4306 Feminist Film Studies 30
FM4308 Film Sound 30
FM4309 The Audiovisual essay: forms and practice 30
FM4794 Joint Dissertation (30cr) 30
FM4796 Joint Project (30cr) 30
- Not all modules are available in every academic year and/or semester
- Individual modules may have requisites to satisfy to be eligible to select them

For further details, see the module catalogue entry for each individual module above

Further requirements

Choose between 120 to 160 credits in academic year

With the permission of the Director of Teaching of Film Studies and the relevant Head of School a student may substitute 30 Level-4000 Film Studies credits for another subject.

MA (Hons) Biblical Studies (Joint Honours): Fourth year
Code Module name Credits
(( DI4498 Honours Dissertation in Divinity 30 OR
DI4794 Joint Dissertation (30cr) 30 ) AND
( View list Between 0 and 30 credits from Module List: DI4015 with ID4002 AND
ID4002 Communication and Teaching in Arts and Humanities 15
DI4015 Communication in Divinity 15
- Not all modules are available in every academic year and/or semester
- Individual modules may have requisites to satisfy to be eligible to select them

For further details, see the module catalogue entry for each individual module above
View list Between 0 and 30 credits from Module List: DI3716, DI3717, DI4600 - DI4789 )) OR
DI4604 Johannine Literature and Theology: English Text 30
DI4605 Johannine Literature and Theology: Greek Text 30
DI4608 Gospel of Matthew (English Texts) 30
DI4609 Gospel of Matthew (Greek Texts) 30
DI4615 New Testament Special Topic: 30
DI4616 Atonement 30
DI4626 The Book of Revelation: English Texts 30
DI4627 The Book of Revelation: English and Greek Texts 30
DI4628 Epistle to the Hebrews: English Text 30
DI4629 Epistle to the Hebrews: Greek Text 30
DI4630 The Gospel of Mark: English Text 30
DI4631 The Gospel of Mark: Greek Text 30
DI4634 God and Morality: Faith and Philosophy in the Scottish Enlightenment 30
DI4635 Prophetic Books 30
DI4700 Hebrew Prose and Poetry 30
DI4705 Biblical Aramaic 30
DI4710 Exegesis of Biblical Hebrew Texts 30
DI4711 Old Testament Special Topic: Prophets (Hebrew Texts) 30
DI4726 Hebrew Readings 30
DI4730 The Book of Daniel 30
DI4731 Ancient Jewish Literature from 1 Enoch to the Mishnah 30
DI4732 King and Messiah in the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament and Second Temple Judaism 30
DI4733 Creation and Chaos in the Hebrew Bible and the Ancient Near East 30
DI4750 Themes and Texts in Christian-Buddhist Dialogue 30
DI3716 Readings in Early Christian Greek Texts 30
DI3717 Holy Scripture, Sacred Earth: The Bible and Ecology 30
- Not all modules are available in every academic year and/or semester
- Individual modules may have requisites to satisfy to be eligible to select them

For further details, see the module catalogue entry for each individual module above
( View list Between 30 and 60 credits from Module List: DI3716, DI3717, DI4600 - DI4789 AND
DI4604 Johannine Literature and Theology: English Text 30
DI4605 Johannine Literature and Theology: Greek Text 30
DI4608 Gospel of Matthew (English Texts) 30
DI4609 Gospel of Matthew (Greek Texts) 30
DI4615 New Testament Special Topic: 30
DI4616 Atonement 30
DI4626 The Book of Revelation: English Texts 30
DI4627 The Book of Revelation: English and Greek Texts 30
DI4628 Epistle to the Hebrews: English Text 30
DI4629 Epistle to the Hebrews: Greek Text 30
DI4630 The Gospel of Mark: English Text 30
DI4631 The Gospel of Mark: Greek Text 30
DI4634 God and Morality: Faith and Philosophy in the Scottish Enlightenment 30
DI4635 Prophetic Books 30
DI4700 Hebrew Prose and Poetry 30
DI4705 Biblical Aramaic 30
DI4710 Exegesis of Biblical Hebrew Texts 30
DI4711 Old Testament Special Topic: Prophets (Hebrew Texts) 30
DI4726 Hebrew Readings 30
DI4730 The Book of Daniel 30
DI4731 Ancient Jewish Literature from 1 Enoch to the Mishnah 30
DI4732 King and Messiah in the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament and Second Temple Judaism 30
DI4733 Creation and Chaos in the Hebrew Bible and the Ancient Near East 30
DI4750 Themes and Texts in Christian-Buddhist Dialogue 30
DI3716 Readings in Early Christian Greek Texts 30
DI3717 Holy Scripture, Sacred Earth: The Bible and Ecology 30
- Not all modules are available in every academic year and/or semester
- Individual modules may have requisites to satisfy to be eligible to select them

For further details, see the module catalogue entry for each individual module above
View list Between 0 and 30 credits from Module List: DI4015 with ID4002 )
ID4002 Communication and Teaching in Arts and Humanities 15
DI4015 Communication in Divinity 15
- Not all modules are available in every academic year and/or semester
- Individual modules may have requisites to satisfy to be eligible to select them

For further details, see the module catalogue entry for each individual module above

Further requirements

Choose 120 credits in academic year

60 credits should be selected from DI3716, DI4600 - DI4789, (ID4002 with ID4002) if a 4000-level dissertation or comparable independent research project is taken in the other Honours subject.
MA (Hons) Film Studies (Joint Honours): Fourth year
Code Module name Credits
View list 60 credits from Module List: FM4000 - FM4899
FM4099 Film Studies Dissertation 30
FM4102 Cinema and Politics 30
FM4104 Film and History 30
FM4106 War and Cinema 30
FM4107 Cinema and Nation 30
FM4108 Cinema and Media in the Digital Age 30
FM4109 Film and the Archive 30
FM4110 Images and Impact: The Uses of Film 30
FM4113 Ecocinema: The Nature of Film 30
FM4114 Film Genres 30
FM4115 Sensory Cinema 30
FM4116 Stars 30
FM4117 Modernity and the Moving Image 30
FM4118 Film and Fashion 30
FM4119 Horror on screen 30
FM4120 Silent Cinema 30
FM4121 Screen Comedy 30
FM4122 Watching the Detectives: Murder, Mystery and the Media 30
FM4123 Artists' Film and Video 30
FM4124 Race and Representation 30
FM4125 Global Film Colour 30
FM4126 Creativity in screen cultures: collaboration, labour and scholarship 30
FM4127 Animation 30
FM4128 Television Form and Culture 30
FM4129 Film Materiality 30
FM4130 Cinema and Neoliberalism 30
FM4131 Cinema and Travel 30
FM4202 The Cinema in Eastern Europe 30
FM4204 Asian Cinemas 30
FM4205 Cinema in Scotland 30
FM4206 Cinemas of India 30
FM4207 British Cinemas: Conventions, Subversions, and Outsiders 30
FM4208 City in Asian Cinema 30
FM4303 Documentary Cinema 30
FM4306 Feminist Film Studies 30
FM4308 Film Sound 30
FM4309 The Audiovisual essay: forms and practice 30
FM4794 Joint Dissertation (30cr) 30
FM4796 Joint Project (30cr) 30
- Not all modules are available in every academic year and/or semester
- Individual modules may have requisites to satisfy to be eligible to select them

For further details, see the module catalogue entry for each individual module above

Further requirements

Choose 120 credits in academic year

With the permission of the Director of Teaching of Film Studies and the relevant Head of School a student may substitute 30 Level-4000 Film Studies credits for another subject.

Study abroad

In the case of students who spend part of the Honours programme on a recognised Study Abroad scheme, the Programme Requirements will be amended to take into account overseas courses which are approved by the relevant St Andrews School in the Learning Agreement (see ).