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Master of Science Sustainable Development

Master of Science Sustainable Development
Code Module name Credits
GD5801 Interrogating Sustainable Development 30 AND
GD5802 Sustainable Development: From Principles to Practice 30 AND
View list Between 60 and 70 credits from MSc Sustainable Development Options AND
SD4116 Building sustainable, inclusive and just cities 30
SD4118 Extractive Environments 30
SD4119 Nature4Climate: Hybridized green blue infrastructures in the Global South 30
SD4120 Valuing Environments 30
SD4225 Green Politics: theory and practice 30
SD5027 Capitalism, Development and Environment 15
GD5996 Interdisciplinary Research Methods 30
SD4117 The Blue Economy and Maritime Security Intersections and Interdependence 30
GG4250 Diversity, inequality and place 30
GG4253 Cultural geographies of climate activism 30
GD5111 Energy Inequalities and Climate Responsibilities 30
SD3111 Home and Energy Geographies 30
SD4128 Coordinating a Humanitarian Disaster Response 30
SD4130 Communication and Visualization for Sustainable Development 30
SD5004 Introduction to Global Climate Change 15
EH5007 Environmental History: Nature and the Western World (1800 - 2000) 30
GG4248 The Nature of Political Ecology 30
SD4125 Biocultural diversity: understanding ecosystem change in the Anthropocene 30
SD4126 Sustainable Populations 30
SD4129 Digital inequalities and sustainable development: Trends, patterns, and implications 30
SD4133 Migration and Sustainable Development: Displacement, policy and lived realities 30
SD5026 Environmental Management 15
SD5030 Health, Inequality and Development 15
GD5113 Energy and Climate Change Policy 30
GG4243 Geographies of Race, Racialisation and Racism 30
- Not all modules are available in every academic year and/or semester
- Individual modules may have requisites to satisfy to be eligible to select them

For further details, see the module catalogue entry for each individual module above
( GD5997 Portfolio for Graduate School programmes 60 OR
GD5998 End of Degree Project - Policy Report 60 OR
GD5999 Dissertation for Graduate School programmes 60 )

Further requirements

select 180 credits in academic year

Students must select 180 credits.