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Master of Science Data Science (Online)

MSc Data Science (Online)
Code Module name Credits
View list Between 30 and 180 credits from Module List: CS5901, CS5914, CS5922, CS5928-CS5929, CS5938-CS5939, CS5944, CS5959, CS5960, CS5999
CS5901 Programming in Python 15
CS5914 Machine Learning Algorithms 15
CS5922 Research Methods in Data Science 15
CS5928 Complex Systems Modelling and Simulation 15
CS5929 Discrete Optimisation 15
CS5938 Numeric Optimisation 15
CS5939 Data-Driven Systems 15
CS5944 Data and Information Visualisation 15
CS5959 End-to-End Machine Learning 15
CS5999 Dissertation in Data Science 60
CS5960 Digital Preservation and Promotion of Heritage 15
- Not all modules are available in every academic year and/or semester
- Individual modules may have requisites to satisfy to be eligible to select them

For further details, see the module catalogue entry for each individual module above

Further requirements

Select 30 to 180 credits per year

To complete the MSc programme the following modules must be passed:

CS5901, CS5914, CS5928, CS5929, CS5939, CS5944, CS5959, CS5999 and either CS5922 or CS5938.

The programme can be completed over a minimum of one year of study and a maximum of three years.

To complete within one year, select CS5999 plus 120 credits from CS5901-CS5989.

To complete in more than one year, credits should be scheduled reasonably evenly across the time available. In the first year, select CS5901 plus between 15 and 105 further credits from CS5901-CS5989. CS5999 should be selected in the final year.

A minimum of 30 credits must be selected in every year of study.