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PG Cert Data Literacy for Social and Environmental Justice (Online)

PGCert Data Literacy for Social and Environmental Justice (Digital)
Code Module name Credits
SD5801 Theoretical foundations of Social and Environmental Justice 15 AND
SD5802 Science Communication and Public Engagement 15 AND
View list Between 0 and 30 credits from Module List: SD5810-SD5813, SD5820-SD5821
SD5810 Welcome to Data: Rubbish in; rubbish out 15
SD5811 Statistical Foundations 15
SD5812 Quantitative Methods 15
SD5813 Advanced Data Visualisation 15
SD5820 Introduction to Spatial Data Science 15
SD5821 Advanced Spatial Data Science 15
- Not all modules are available in every academic year and/or semester
- Individual modules may have requisites to satisfy to be eligible to select them

For further details, see the module catalogue entry for each individual module above

Further requirements

Select 30 to 60 credits per academic year

60 credits are required to complete the PG Certificate

The programme can be completed over a minimum of two semesters of study and a maximum of two years.

To complete within one year, select 30 credits comprising SD5801, SD5802, and a further 30 credits from SD5810, SD5811, SD58212, SD5813, SD5820, SD5821.

To complete in more than one year, credits should be scheduled reasonably evenly across the time available. A minimum of 30 credits must be selected in every year of study. SD5801 should be selected in the first block of the first semester of study. At some point during their programme students must complete SD5802 and a further 30 credits from SD5810, SD5811, SD5812, SD5813, SD5820, SD5821.