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Master of Research Management Studies

Master of Research Management Studies
Code Module name Credits
View list 100 credits from Module List: SS5101 - SS5104, MN5001, (MN5003 or MN5004) AND
SS5101 Being a Social Scientist 15
SS5102 Philosophy and Methodology of the Social Sciences 15
SS5103 Qualitative Methods in Social Research 15
SS5104 Quantitative Research in Social Science 15
MN5001 Contemporary Global Issues in Management 20
MN5003 International Business and Emerging Markets 20
MN5004 Marketing Strategy 20
- Not all modules are available in every academic year and/or semester
- Individual modules may have requisites to satisfy to be eligible to select them

For further details, see the module catalogue entry for each individual module above
View list 20 credits from Module List: MN5311,5401,5421,5501,5510- 5515, 5554, 5560, 5603, 5821, FI5312, FI5604, FI5606, FI5607- 5608,FI5613 AND
MN5311 Responsible Investment 20
MN5401 International Marketing 20
MN5421 Managing People in Global Markets 20
MN5501 Scenario Thinking and Strategy 20
MN5510 Entrprepreneurship Creativity and innovation 20
MN5511 Leadership in Organisations 20
MN5513 Ethics, Organisations and Management 20
MN5515 Entrepreneurship and Business Development 20
MN5554 Marketing and Society 20
MN5560 Creative Marketing Communications 20
FI5604 Financial Systems 20
FI5607 International Financial Management 20
FI5608 Risk Management 20
FI5312 Financial Technology 20
MN5821 Managing Non-Governmental Organisations 20
MN5603 Responsibility, Sustainability and Accountability in Organisations 20
MN5514 Managing Natural Resources 20
FI5613 Behavioural Finance 20
FI5606 Corporate Governance 20
- Not all modules are available in every academic year and/or semester
- Individual modules may have requisites to satisfy to be eligible to select them

For further details, see the module catalogue entry for each individual module above
MN5399 MRes Dissertation in Management Studies 60

Further requirements

Select 180 credits in academic year