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Master of Letters Middle East, Caucasus and Central Asian Security Studies

"Master of Letters Middle East, Caucasus and Central Asian Security Studies"
Code Module name Credits
(( IR5501 Core in Middle East, Caucasus and Central Asian Security Studies 30 AND
View list 30 credits from Module List: IR5518, IR5510, IR5529 AND
IR5510 Central Asia in World Order 30
IR5518 Conflict in the Middle East 30
IR5529 International Society and Central Asia 30
- Not all modules are available in every academic year and/or semester
- Individual modules may have requisites to satisfy to be eligible to select them

For further details, see the module catalogue entry for each individual module above
View list 60 credits from Module List: IR5000 - IR5999 (except compulsory IR MLitt modules and Dissertations) MH5411 ) OR
IR5001 International Security 30
IR5007 Terrorism and Liberal Democracy 30
IR5036 Critical Security Studies 30
IR5039 Political Economy of Conflict 30
IR5040 Emergent Great Powers 30
IR5042 Gender and Terrorism 30
IR5043 Carl von Clausewitz: Life, Work and Reception 30
IR5044 The Changing Face(s) of Diplomacy: Emotions, Power and Persuasion in International Relations 30
IR5045 Security and Insecurity in Contemporary Russian Politics 30
IR5046 Migration and Political Theory 30
IR5047 Military effectiveness 30
IR5048 International Law and International Security 30
IR5050 Modern War: Histories, Strategies, and Critical Interventions 30
IR5051 Human Rights, Politics and Power 30
IR5055 Mind, Action and Strategy in an Uncertain World 30
IR5059 Political Order and Violence in the Middle East 30
IR5063 Spaces of Securitization 30
IR5064 The Military in Politics 30
IR5065 The Geopolitics of Energy in the Caspian Region 30
IR5066 The Global Politics of Everyday Life 30
IR5067 The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict 30
IR5068 Feminist Political Economy 30
IR5069 The Genealogy of Modern Counterinsurgency 30
IR5070 Leaders, Psychology and Foreign Policy 30
IR5406 Theories of Friendship and Enmity 30
IR5408 Global Constitutionalism 30
IR5412 'Reason of State': Origin, Nature and Career of a Concept 30
IR5414 World Politics After The Death of God: Between Apocalypse and Hope 30
IR5416 Contemporary Decolonial Thought 30
IR5417 Political Theory of Race and Caste 30
IR5418 Critical Climate Justice 30
IR5510 Central Asia in World Order 30
IR5518 Conflict in the Middle East 30
IR5520 International Relations of the Modern Middle East 30
IR5527 Conflicts, Security and Democracy in the Greater Caucasus (30) 30
IR5529 International Society and Central Asia 30
IR5534 Contemporary Gulf Politics in a Changing Global Context 30
IR5704 Mediation: Community and Global Praxis 30
IR5705 Critical Approaches to Peacebuilding 30
IR5722 Conflict, Gender and Generation 30
IR5730 Security and Development in East Asia 30
IR5731 Prisons: Spaces of Power, Resistance and Peacebuilding 30
IR5732 Armed Governance 30
IR5733 Research Practice Placement in Peacebuilding and Mediation 60
IR5821 The influence of seapower on history 1805-present 30
IR5822 The American Way of War 30
IR5901 Fundamental Issues and Structures of Terrorism 30
IR5904 Terrorism, Political Violence, and Social Movements 30
IR5922 Terrorism after 1945 30
IR5923 State Responses to Terrorism 30
IR5924 Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict 30
IR5925 Counter-extremism: Ethics, Policy and Practice 30
IR5926 Global Climate Policy 30
IR5927 Political Violence and Popular Culture 30
IR5956 Critical Infrastructure Electives 10
IR5957 Terrorism and the Internet Elective 10
IR5958 Transition to Post Graduate Study 10
IR5959 Artificial Intelligence and International Security 30
IR5997 Dissertation for Terrorism and Political Violence Studies MLitt Distance learning Programme - Accelerated Route 60
MH5411 Iran and the World since 1921 (30) 30
- Not all modules are available in every academic year and/or semester
- Individual modules may have requisites to satisfy to be eligible to select them

For further details, see the module catalogue entry for each individual module above
( IR5501 Core in Middle East, Caucasus and Central Asian Security Studies 30 AND
View list 60 credits from Module List: IR5000 - IR5999 (except compulsory IR MLitt modules and Dissertations) MH5411 AND
IR5001 International Security 30
IR5007 Terrorism and Liberal Democracy 30
IR5036 Critical Security Studies 30
IR5039 Political Economy of Conflict 30
IR5040 Emergent Great Powers 30
IR5042 Gender and Terrorism 30
IR5043 Carl von Clausewitz: Life, Work and Reception 30
IR5044 The Changing Face(s) of Diplomacy: Emotions, Power and Persuasion in International Relations 30
IR5045 Security and Insecurity in Contemporary Russian Politics 30
IR5046 Migration and Political Theory 30
IR5047 Military effectiveness 30
IR5048 International Law and International Security 30
IR5050 Modern War: Histories, Strategies, and Critical Interventions 30
IR5051 Human Rights, Politics and Power 30
IR5055 Mind, Action and Strategy in an Uncertain World 30
IR5059 Political Order and Violence in the Middle East 30
IR5063 Spaces of Securitization 30
IR5064 The Military in Politics 30
IR5065 The Geopolitics of Energy in the Caspian Region 30
IR5066 The Global Politics of Everyday Life 30
IR5067 The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict 30
IR5068 Feminist Political Economy 30
IR5069 The Genealogy of Modern Counterinsurgency 30
IR5070 Leaders, Psychology and Foreign Policy 30
IR5406 Theories of Friendship and Enmity 30
IR5408 Global Constitutionalism 30
IR5412 'Reason of State': Origin, Nature and Career of a Concept 30
IR5414 World Politics After The Death of God: Between Apocalypse and Hope 30
IR5416 Contemporary Decolonial Thought 30
IR5417 Political Theory of Race and Caste 30
IR5418 Critical Climate Justice 30
IR5510 Central Asia in World Order 30
IR5518 Conflict in the Middle East 30
IR5520 International Relations of the Modern Middle East 30
IR5527 Conflicts, Security and Democracy in the Greater Caucasus (30) 30
IR5529 International Society and Central Asia 30
IR5534 Contemporary Gulf Politics in a Changing Global Context 30
IR5704 Mediation: Community and Global Praxis 30
IR5705 Critical Approaches to Peacebuilding 30
IR5722 Conflict, Gender and Generation 30
IR5730 Security and Development in East Asia 30
IR5731 Prisons: Spaces of Power, Resistance and Peacebuilding 30
IR5732 Armed Governance 30
IR5733 Research Practice Placement in Peacebuilding and Mediation 60
IR5821 The influence of seapower on history 1805-present 30
IR5822 The American Way of War 30
IR5901 Fundamental Issues and Structures of Terrorism 30
IR5904 Terrorism, Political Violence, and Social Movements 30
IR5922 Terrorism after 1945 30
IR5923 State Responses to Terrorism 30
IR5924 Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict 30
IR5925 Counter-extremism: Ethics, Policy and Practice 30
IR5926 Global Climate Policy 30
IR5927 Political Violence and Popular Culture 30
IR5956 Critical Infrastructure Electives 10
IR5957 Terrorism and the Internet Elective 10
IR5958 Transition to Post Graduate Study 10
IR5959 Artificial Intelligence and International Security 30
IR5997 Dissertation for Terrorism and Political Violence Studies MLitt Distance learning Programme - Accelerated Route 60
MH5411 Iran and the World since 1921 (30) 30
- Not all modules are available in every academic year and/or semester
- Individual modules may have requisites to satisfy to be eligible to select them

For further details, see the module catalogue entry for each individual module above
View list Between 30 and 40 credits from Russian, Arabic or Persian modules appropriate to the student's level of proficiency. )) AND
RU1001 Elementary Russian Language 1 20
RU1002 Elementary Russian Language 2 20
RU1005 Advanced Elementary Russian Language and Literature 1 20
RU1006 Advanced Elementary Russian Language and Literature 2 20
RU2201 Intermediate Russian Language 1 20
RU2202 Intermediate Russian Language 2 20
RU2203 Advanced Intermediate Russian Language 1 20
RU2204 Advanced Intermediate Russian Language 2 20
RU2205 Intermediate Russian Literature and Culture 1 10
RU2206 Intermediate Russian Literature and Culture 2 10
RU3021 Russian Poetry of the Golden Age 15
RU3022 The Nineteenth-Century Russophone Novel 15
RU3026 Russian Modernist Fiction 1900 - 1940 15
RU3030 A Special Russian Author of the Twentieth Century 15
RU3043 Theatre and Performance in Russophone Cultures 15
RU3046 Soviet Culture Under Stalin 15
RU3047 The Russian Play 15
RU3101 Russian Integrated Year Abroad 60
RU3102 Semester of Study in a Russian-speaking country 60
RU3110 Advanced Russian Translation 2 15
RU3301 Advanced Russian Language 1 15
RU3302 Advanced Russian Language 2 15
RU4101 Advanced Russian Language 3 15
RU4102 Advanced Russian Oral Skills 0
RU4104 Advanced Russian Language 4: Communication Skills 15
RU4130 Issues in Russian Cultural Memory 15
RU4133 Russian Children's Literature (1900 - 2015) 15
RU4142 The Fantastic in Nineteenth-Century Russian Literature 15
RU4143 Gender in Russian Literature and Culture 15
RU4144 Russian Crime Fiction 15
RU4151 The City in Soviet and Russian Cinema 15
RU4152 Vladimir Nabokov 15
RU4153 Voices of the Russian Enlightenment 15
RU4155 Worlds of Russophone Literature 15
RU4156 Pre-revolutionary Russophone Women's Writing 15
RU4198 Dissertation on a Russian Topic 15
RU4199 Long Dissertation on a Russian Topic 30
RU4554 Utopia/Dystopia in Russian Literature and Culture 15
RU5011 New Approaches to the Russian Literary Canon (40) 40
RU5013 New Approaches to the Russian Literary Canon (20) 20
RU5014 Specialised Research in Russian Studies 20
RU5015 New Approaches to the Russian Literary Canon (15) 15
RU5016 New Approaches to the Russian Literary Canon (30) 30
RU5017 Specialised Research in Russian Studies (15) 15
RU5018 Specialised Research in Russian Studies (30) 30
RU5099 Dissertation for MLitt Programme/s 60
AR1001 Arabic for Beginners 1 20
AR1002 Arabic for Beginners 2 20
AR1801 Intensive Arabic 1 12
AR1802 Intensive Arabic 2 12
AR2001 Intermediate Arabic 1 20
AR2002 Intermediate Arabic 2 20
AR2004 Introduction to Classical Arab Culture 20
AR3101 Arabic Integrated Year Abroad 60
AR3401 Media Arabic 1 15
AR3402 Media Arabic 2 15
AR3421 Arabic Short Stories 1 15
AR3422 Arabic Short Stories 2 15
AR3423 Fannanat: Arab Women's Creativity in Modern Arab Culture 15
AR3424 Modern Arab Culture and Society 15
AR3461 Key Texts in Classical Arabic Literature and Culture 1 15
AR3462 Key Texts in Classical Arabic Literature and Culture 2 15
AR4401 Advanced Arabic 1 15
AR4402 Advanced Arabic 2 15
AR4421 Exile and Identity 15
AR4422 Palestinian Fiction 15
AR4461 Classical Arabic Poetry 15
AR4462 Classical Arabic Prose 15
AR4999 Dissertation in Arabic Studies 30
PR1001 Persian for Beginners 1 20
PR1002 Persian for Beginners 2 20
PR2001 Intermediate Persian 1 20
PR2002 Intermediate Persian 2 20
PR3001 Higher Intermediate Persian 1 15
PR3002 Higher Intermediate Persian 2 15
PR3020 Key Texts in Modern Persian Literature 15
PR3021 Modern Iran through Cinema 15
PR3022 Modernity and Iranian Drama 15
PR3023 Songs of Love and Revolution 15
PR4001 Advanced Persian 1 15
PR4002 Advanced Persian 2 15
PR4020 Introduction to Classical Persian Literature 15
PR4098 Short Dissertation on a Persian Topic 15
PR4099 Long Dissertation on a Persian Topic 30
PR5000 Persian Language and Culture (DL) 30
- Not all modules are available in every academic year and/or semester
- Individual modules may have requisites to satisfy to be eligible to select them

For further details, see the module catalogue entry for each individual module above
IR5099 Dissertation for MLitt Programme/s 60

Further requirements

Choose 180 credits in academic year