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Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice

Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice
Code Module name Credits
ID5106 University Teaching: Supporting Student Learning 15
View list Between 0 and 30 credits from Module List: ID5107 - ID5109
ID5107 University Teaching: Curriculum Design and Assessment 15
ID5108 Exploring Teaching and Learning Online 15
ID5109 Embedding Inclusive Practice in Teaching and Learning 15
- Not all modules are available in every academic year and/or semester
- Individual modules may have requisites to satisfy to be eligible to select them

For further details, see the module catalogue entry for each individual module above
ID5199 University Teaching: Capstone Project 15

Select a maximum of 15 credits per semester, for a maximum of 30 credits in the academic year.

This is a part-time programme to be completed in maximum of 4 years, so there is an option to pause engagement (ie take no credits) in some semesters while remaining registered on the programme.

ID5106 must be taken and will normally be completed first. ID5107 must be taken once during the programme. One elective module must be taken. ID5199 must be taken last. 60 credits are needed to complete the Certificate