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Postgraduate Certificate Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Specialism in Teaching Young Learners

PG Certificate Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages with Specialism in Teaching Young Learners
Code Module name Credits
ET5525 Teaching Young Learners 15 AND
View list 45 credits from ELT Modules: ET5501-ET5505, ET5521-ET5525
ET5501 Second Language Acquisition 15
ET5502 Linguistics for Language Teachers 15
ET5503 Language Teaching Methodology 15
ET5504 Education & Researching 15
ET5505 Action Research & Reflection for Education Practitioners 15
ET5521 English for Academic Purposes 15
ET5522 Assessment and Evaluation in Education 15
ET5523 Technology for Teaching 15
ET5524 English Medium Instruction 15
ET5525 Teaching Young Learners 15
- Not all modules are available in every academic year and/or semester
- Individual modules may have requisites to satisfy to be eligible to select them

For further details, see the module catalogue entry for each individual module above

Further requirements

Choose 60 credits in academic year