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DProf in Teaching English to Speakers of Other languages


This programme is not open to entrants in 2024-2025

DProf in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
Code Module name Credits
ET5641 Being a doctoral practitioner 15 AND
ET5642 Planning for professional projects 15 AND
View list Between 0 and 60 credits from Module List: ET5600-ET5649 (excluding ET5641 and ET5642)
ET5601 Second Language Acquisition 15
ET5602 Linguistics for Language Teachers 15
ET5603 Language Teaching Methodology 15
ET5604 Education & Researching 15
ET5605 Action Research & Reflection for Education Practitioners 15
ET5606 Organisational Development in International Education B 15
ET5607 Leadership and Management in International Education B 15
ET5608 Trends & Policies in International Education B 15
ET5621 English for Academic Purposes 15
ET5622 Assessment and Evaluation in Education 15
ET5623 Technology for Teaching 15
ET5624 English Medium Instruction 15
ET5625 Teaching Young Learners 15
ET5626 Online Programme Design B 15
- Not all modules are available in every academic year and/or semester
- Individual modules may have requisites to satisfy to be eligible to select them

For further details, see the module catalogue entry for each individual module above

Further requirements

select 15 60 credits for the academic year

ET5641, ET5604, and ET5605 are all compulsory and should be taken at the first opportunity.

ET5642 can only be taken in the academic year after ET5641 is taken, and normally at the end of the second year of study.

All other module choices and timings can be agreed with your supervisor and/or adviser of studies

Students who took ET5604 and/or ET5605 as part of another qualification should instead choose 30 credits from the list of optional modules.

120 taught credits should be completed during the DProf, with the excpetion fo students offered direct entry to year 2 of the programme, who must complete 60 taught credits during the programme.