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Master of Arts (Honours) Comparative Literature, Russian and Spanish (With Integrated Year Abroad)

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Comparative Literature Triple with Year Abroad: First Year
Code Module name Credits
CO1001 The Nineteenth-Century Novel 20 AND
CO1002 Drama in the Twentieth and Twenty-first Centuries 20

Further requirements

Choose 120 credits in the academic year

Russian Triple with Year Abroad: First Year
Code Module name Credits
(( RU1001 Elementary Russian Language 1 20 AND
RU1002 Elementary Russian Language 2 20 ) OR
( RU1005 Advanced Elementary Russian Language and Literature 1 20 AND
RU1006 Advanced Elementary Russian Language and Literature 2 20 ))

Further requirements

Choose 120 credits in the academic year

Spanish Triple with Year Abroad: First Year
Code Module name Credits
(( SP1001 Spanish Language and Texts 1 20 AND
SP1002 Spanish Language and Texts 2 20 ) OR
( SP1003 Spanish for Beginners 1 20 AND
SP1004 Spanish for Beginners 2 20 ))

Further requirements

Choose 120 credits in the academic year

Comparative Literature Triple with Year Abroad: Second Year
Code Module name Credits
^ CO2001 Good and Evil 20 AND
^ CO2002 Journeys 20

Further requirements

Choose 120 credits in the academic year
Choose a minimum of 80 Level 2000 credits

OR with the approval of the UG Comparative Literature Programme Director, a pass in one of CO2001 or CO2002 and 20 credits in a cognate subject.

If credits are taken in a cognate subject an average of grade 11 or better across these and the CL modules must be achieved to guarantee honours entry

Automatic entry to Honours requires

  • pass and have an average grade 11 or better in modules marked ^
Russian Triple with Year Abroad: Second Year
Code Module name Credits
( RU2201 Intermediate Russian Language 1 20 AND
RU2202 Intermediate Russian Language 2 20 ) OR
( RU2203 Advanced Intermediate Russian Language 1 20 AND
RU2204 Advanced Intermediate Russian Language 2 20 )

Further requirements

Choose 120 credits in the academic year
Choose a minimum of 80 Level 2000 credits

Spanish Triple with Year Abroad: Second Year
Code Module name Credits
(( SP2001 Spanish Language and Critical Approaches to Texts 1 20 OR
SP2005 Spanish Language and Texts: ex-Beginners 20 ) AND
SP2002 Spanish Language and Critical Approaches to Texts 2 20 )

Further requirements

Choose 120 credits in the academic year
Choose a minimum of 80 Level 2000 credits

Entry to Honours

Students who attain an average of grade 11.0 or above at the first sitting in the requisite 2000-level modules and who meet all other programme requirements will be given automatic offers of entry into Honours programmes. Students permitted automatic entry to Honours will only be permitted to trail one module to a maximum of 30 sub-honours credits into Honours.

Some Schools permit qualified entry to Honours (see )

BSc / MA Honours with Integrated Year Abroad

The general requirements are 540 credits over a period of normally five years (and not more than six years) or part-time equivalent, of which the final three years are an approved Honours programme of 300 credits, of which 60 credits are gained during the integrated year abroad, 90 credits are at 4000 or 5000 level and at least a further 120 credits at 3000 and/or 4000 or 5000 levels.

Russian Triple Honours: Year Abroad
Code Module name Credits
RU3101 Russian Integrated Year Abroad 60
Spanish Triple Honours: Year Abroad
Code Module name Credits
SP3101 Spanish Integrated Year Abroad 60

Comparative Literature Triple with Year Abroad: Third Year
Code Module name Credits
View list 30 credits from Module Grouping: CO3000 - CO3019 AND
CO3001 Issues in Comparative Literature 15
CO3002 Found in Translation 15
- Not all modules are available in every academic year and/or semester
- Individual modules may have requisites to satisfy to be eligible to select them

For further details, see the module catalogue entry for each individual module above
View list Between 0 and 30 credits from Module Grouping: CO3020 - CO3049, CO4002 - CO4049
CO3020 Cultural Memory and Literature 15
CO3021 Crossing the Mediterranean 15
CO4002 The Literary Canon 15
CO4003 Issues in Cultural Studies 15
CO4020 Literature and the Bible 15
CO4021 Autobiography and the Visual Arts 15
CO4022 Illness and Literature 15
CO4024 Performing Early-Modern Sexualities 15
CO4026 Classicism in European Literature 15
CO4027 Folk and Fairy Tales 15
- Not all modules are available in every academic year and/or semester
- Individual modules may have requisites to satisfy to be eligible to select them

For further details, see the module catalogue entry for each individual module above

Further requirements

Choose 120 credits in academic year

Russian Triple with Year Abroad: Third Year
Code Module name Credits
(( RU3001 Advanced Russian Language 1, Part 1 15 AND
RU3002 Advanced Russian Language 1, Part 2 15 AND
View list Between 0 and 30 credits from Module List: RU3021 - RU4195, ML3201 ) OR
RU3021 Russian Poetry of the Golden Age 15
RU3022 The Nineteenth-Century Russian Novel 15
RU3024 A Special Russian Author of the Nineteenth Century 15
RU3025 Russian Fiction 1880 - 1917 15
RU3026 Russian Modernist Fiction 1900 - 1940 15
RU3027 Soviet Fiction 1917 - 1940 15
RU3030 A Special Russian Author of the Twentieth Century 15
RU3031 Russian 'Village Prose': 1953 - 1980 15
RU3041 Early Nineteenth-Century Russian Intellectual History 15
RU3042 Late Nineteenth-Century Russian Intellectual History 15
RU3043 Theatre and Performance in Twentieth-Century Russia 15
RU3044 Russia's Literary Easts 15
RU3045 Russian ?migrÚ Writing 15
RU3046 Soviet Culture Under Stalin 15
RU3103 Summer Residential Project in Russia 15
RU3110 Advanced Russian Translation 2 15
RU4101 Advanced Russian Language 2 15
RU4102 Advanced Russian Oral Skills 0
RU4104 Russian Communication Skills 15
RU4106 Advanced Russian for Business 15
RU4120 Directed Readings in Central and East European Languages 2 15
RU4128 Soviet Literature 1940 - 1991 15
RU4130 Issues in Russian Cultural Memory 15
RU4131 Russian 'Village Prose': 1953 - 1980 15
RU4132 Contemporary Russian Literature 15
RU4133 Russian Children's Literature (1900 - 2015) 15
RU4140 The Russian Silver Age: Art and Time 15
RU4142 The Fantastic in Nineteenth-Century Russian Literature 15
RU4143 Gender in Russian Literature and Culture 15
RU4144 Russian Crime Fiction 15
RU4150 History of Russian Cinema 15
RU4151 The City in Soviet and Russian Cinema 15
RU4152 Vladimir Nabokov 15
ML3201 Grammatical Rules and Lexical Exceptions 15
ML3201 Grammatical Rules and Lexical Exceptions 15
- Not all modules are available in every academic year and/or semester
- Individual modules may have requisites to satisfy to be eligible to select them

For further details, see the module catalogue entry for each individual module above
( RU3005 Advanced Russian Translation 1 15 AND
RU3110 Advanced Russian Translation 2 15 AND
View list Between 0 and 30 credits from Module List: RU3021 - RU4195, ML3201 ))
RU3021 Russian Poetry of the Golden Age 15
RU3022 The Nineteenth-Century Russian Novel 15
RU3024 A Special Russian Author of the Nineteenth Century 15
RU3025 Russian Fiction 1880 - 1917 15
RU3026 Russian Modernist Fiction 1900 - 1940 15
RU3027 Soviet Fiction 1917 - 1940 15
RU3030 A Special Russian Author of the Twentieth Century 15
RU3031 Russian 'Village Prose': 1953 - 1980 15
RU3041 Early Nineteenth-Century Russian Intellectual History 15
RU3042 Late Nineteenth-Century Russian Intellectual History 15
RU3043 Theatre and Performance in Twentieth-Century Russia 15
RU3044 Russia's Literary Easts 15
RU3045 Russian ?migrÚ Writing 15
RU3046 Soviet Culture Under Stalin 15
RU3103 Summer Residential Project in Russia 15
RU3110 Advanced Russian Translation 2 15
RU4101 Advanced Russian Language 2 15
RU4102 Advanced Russian Oral Skills 0
RU4104 Russian Communication Skills 15
RU4106 Advanced Russian for Business 15
RU4120 Directed Readings in Central and East European Languages 2 15
RU4128 Soviet Literature 1940 - 1991 15
RU4130 Issues in Russian Cultural Memory 15
RU4131 Russian 'Village Prose': 1953 - 1980 15
RU4132 Contemporary Russian Literature 15
RU4133 Russian Children's Literature (1900 - 2015) 15
RU4140 The Russian Silver Age: Art and Time 15
RU4142 The Fantastic in Nineteenth-Century Russian Literature 15
RU4143 Gender in Russian Literature and Culture 15
RU4144 Russian Crime Fiction 15
RU4150 History of Russian Cinema 15
RU4151 The City in Soviet and Russian Cinema 15
RU4152 Vladimir Nabokov 15
ML3201 Grammatical Rules and Lexical Exceptions 15
ML3201 Grammatical Rules and Lexical Exceptions 15
- Not all modules are available in every academic year and/or semester
- Individual modules may have requisites to satisfy to be eligible to select them

For further details, see the module catalogue entry for each individual module above

Further requirements

Choose 120 credits in academic year

Students whose degree is all modern-language must take between 60 and 120 credits in Russian across Third and Fourth Year.
Students whose degree has a non-modern language component must take between 60 and 90 credits in Russian across Third and Fourth Year.
Spanish Triple with Year Abroad: Third Year
Code Module name Credits
SP3001 Spanish Language 1 15 AND
SP3002 Spanish Language 2 15 AND
View list Between 0 and 60 credits from Module List: SP3000 - SP4299 (except SP4098, SP4099, SP4102), ML3201
SP3006 Literary Translation 15
SP3007 Practical Translation 15
SP3011 History of the Spanish Language 15
SP3101 Spanish Integrated Year Abroad 60
SP3111 Honours Spanish I (Science) 15
SP3112 Honours Spanish 2 (Science) 15
SP3121 Spanish American Literature I (Gauchos and Indians) 15
SP3122 Spanish American Literature 2 15
SP3123 Spanish Cinema (Topic) 15
SP3124 Spanish Cinema (Director) 15
SP3138 Mexico in the Nineteenth Century 15
SP3140 Literature and Politics in Spain 1930 - 1939 15
SP3143 Cinema and Literature in Spain 1920 - 1936 15
SP3145 Post-1975 Writing in Spain 1 15
SP3147 The Art of Subversion in Post-War Spain (1939-1975) 15
SP3148 The Argentine and Chilean Avant-Garde (1920s-1930's) 15
SP3157 Autobiographical Writing in Twentieth-Century Spain 15
SP3158 Representations of the Urban: Twentieth-Century Buenos Aires 15
SP3159 Gender and Violence in Golden Age Literature 15
SP3160 Facing the New: Spanish Literature and Society (1888 - 1918) 15
SP3161 Rebels, Reactionaries, Reformers: Women Writers in Nineteenth-century Spain 15
SP3162 Strange Girls and Domestic Angels: Women's Writing in Spain 15
SP3163 Tales of the Nation 15
SP3198 Spanish Dissertation (Science) 15
SP3221 Language, Conflict and Society 15
SP3222 Language, Love and Loss 15
SP4008 Contemporary Spanish Language 15
SP4012 Linguistic Study of the Spanish Language 15
SP4013 Culture and Conflict: Representing the Spanish Civil War 15
SP4014 Spanish Avant-garde(s) 15
SP4015 Action Heroes and Anti-heroes in Early-Modern Spain 15
SP4016 Contemporary Galician Women Writers 15
SP4113 Honours Spanish 3 (Science) 15
SP4114 Honours Spanish 4 (Science): Communication Skills 15
SP4198 Spanish Dissertation (Science) 15
SP4223 History and Culture in Spanish Texts 15
SP4224 Reality and Illusion 15
ML3201 Grammatical Rules and Lexical Exceptions 15
- Not all modules are available in every academic year and/or semester
- Individual modules may have requisites to satisfy to be eligible to select them

For further details, see the module catalogue entry for each individual module above

Further requirements

Choose 120 credits in academic year

Comparative Literature Triple with Year Abroad: Fourth Year
Code Module name Credits
View list Between 0 and 60 credits from Module List: CO3020 - CO3049, CO4002 - CO4049, CO4098 - CO4099, ML4794
CO3020 Cultural Memory and Literature 15
CO3021 Crossing the Mediterranean 15
CO4002 The Literary Canon 15
CO4003 Issues in Cultural Studies 15
CO4020 Literature and the Bible 15
CO4021 Autobiography and the Visual Arts 15
CO4022 Illness and Literature 15
CO4024 Performing Early-Modern Sexualities 15
CO4026 Classicism in European Literature 15
CO4027 Folk and Fairy Tales 15
CO4098 Short Dissertation in Comparative Literature 15
CO4099 Long Dissertation in Comparative Literature 30
ML4794 Joint Dissertation (30cr) 30
- Not all modules are available in every academic year and/or semester
- Individual modules may have requisites to satisfy to be eligible to select them

For further details, see the module catalogue entry for each individual module above

Further requirements

Choose 120 credits in academic year
At least 90 Level4000 credits must be obtained

Russian Triple with Year Abroad: Fourth Year
Code Module name Credits
RU4101 Advanced Russian Language 2 15 AND
View list Between 0 and 30 credits from Module List: RU3021-RU4199, ML3201, ML4794
RU3021 Russian Poetry of the Golden Age 15
RU3022 The Nineteenth-Century Russian Novel 15
RU3024 A Special Russian Author of the Nineteenth Century 15
RU3025 Russian Fiction 1880 - 1917 15
RU3026 Russian Modernist Fiction 1900 - 1940 15
RU3027 Soviet Fiction 1917 - 1940 15
RU3030 A Special Russian Author of the Twentieth Century 15
RU3031 Russian 'Village Prose': 1953 - 1980 15
RU3041 Early Nineteenth-Century Russian Intellectual History 15
RU3042 Late Nineteenth-Century Russian Intellectual History 15
RU3043 Theatre and Performance in Twentieth-Century Russia 15
RU3044 Russia's Literary Easts 15
RU3045 Russian ?migrÚ Writing 15
RU3046 Soviet Culture Under Stalin 15
RU3101 Russian Integrated Year Abroad 60
RU3102 Semester of Study in Russia 60
RU3103 Summer Residential Project in Russia 15
RU3105 Russian Integrated Year Abroad: Semester 1 30
RU3106 Russian Integrated Year Abroad: Semester 2 30
RU3110 Advanced Russian Translation 2 15
RU4020 Directed Readings in Central and East European Languages 1 15
RU4042 The Fantastic in Nineteenth-Century Russian Literature 15
RU4101 Advanced Russian Language 2 15
RU4102 Advanced Russian Oral Skills 0
RU4104 Russian Communication Skills 15
RU4106 Advanced Russian for Business 15
RU4120 Directed Readings in Central and East European Languages 2 15
RU4128 Soviet Literature 1940 - 1991 15
RU4130 Issues in Russian Cultural Memory 15
RU4131 Russian 'Village Prose': 1953 - 1980 15
RU4132 Contemporary Russian Literature 15
RU4133 Russian Children's Literature (1900 - 2015) 15
RU4140 The Russian Silver Age: Art and Time 15
RU4142 The Fantastic in Nineteenth-Century Russian Literature 15
RU4143 Gender in Russian Literature and Culture 15
RU4144 Russian Crime Fiction 15
RU4150 History of Russian Cinema 15
RU4151 The City in Soviet and Russian Cinema 15
RU4152 Vladimir Nabokov 15
RU4153 Voices of the Russian Enlightenment 15
RU4198 Dissertation on a Russian Topic 15
RU4199 Long Dissertation a Russian Topic 30
ML3201 Grammatical Rules and Lexical Exceptions 15
ML4794 Joint Dissertation (30cr) 30
- Not all modules are available in every academic year and/or semester
- Individual modules may have requisites to satisfy to be eligible to select them

For further details, see the module catalogue entry for each individual module above

Further requirements

Choose 120 credits in academic year
At least 90 Level4000 credits must be obtained

Students whose degree is all modern-language must take between 60 and 120 credits in Russian across Third and Fourth Year.
Students whose degree has a non-modern language component must take between 60 and 90 credits in Russian across Third and Fourth Year.
Spanish Triple with Year Abroad: Fourth Year
Code Module name Credits
SP4003 Spanish Language 3 15 AND
SP4004 Spanish Language 4: Communication Skills 15 AND
View list Between 0 and 60 credits from Module List: SP3000 - SP4299 (excluding SP4102), ML3201
SP3006 Literary Translation 15
SP3007 Practical Translation 15
SP3011 History of the Spanish Language 15
SP3101 Spanish Integrated Year Abroad 60
SP3111 Honours Spanish I (Science) 15
SP3112 Honours Spanish 2 (Science) 15
SP3121 Spanish American Literature I (Gauchos and Indians) 15
SP3122 Spanish American Literature 2 15
SP3123 Spanish Cinema (Topic) 15
SP3124 Spanish Cinema (Director) 15
SP3138 Mexico in the Nineteenth Century 15
SP3140 Literature and Politics in Spain 1930 - 1939 15
SP3143 Cinema and Literature in Spain 1920 - 1936 15
SP3145 Post-1975 Writing in Spain 1 15
SP3147 The Art of Subversion in Post-War Spain (1939-1975) 15
SP3148 The Argentine and Chilean Avant-Garde (1920s-1930's) 15
SP3157 Autobiographical Writing in Twentieth-Century Spain 15
SP3158 Representations of the Urban: Twentieth-Century Buenos Aires 15
SP3159 Gender and Violence in Golden Age Literature 15
SP3160 Facing the New: Spanish Literature and Society (1888 - 1918) 15
SP3161 Rebels, Reactionaries, Reformers: Women Writers in Nineteenth-century Spain 15
SP3162 Strange Girls and Domestic Angels: Women's Writing in Spain 15
SP3163 Tales of the Nation 15
SP3198 Spanish Dissertation (Science) 15
SP3221 Language, Conflict and Society 15
SP3222 Language, Love and Loss 15
SP4008 Contemporary Spanish Language 15
SP4012 Linguistic Study of the Spanish Language 15
SP4013 Culture and Conflict: Representing the Spanish Civil War 15
SP4014 Spanish Avant-garde(s) 15
SP4015 Action Heroes and Anti-heroes in Early-Modern Spain 15
SP4016 Contemporary Galician Women Writers 15
SP4098 Dissertation on a Spanish Topic 15
SP4099 Long Dissertation on a Spanish Topic 30
SP4113 Honours Spanish 3 (Science) 15
SP4114 Honours Spanish 4 (Science): Communication Skills 15
SP4198 Spanish Dissertation (Science) 15
SP4223 History and Culture in Spanish Texts 15
SP4224 Reality and Illusion 15
ML4794 Joint Dissertation (30cr) 30
- Not all modules are available in every academic year and/or semester
- Individual modules may have requisites to satisfy to be eligible to select them

For further details, see the module catalogue entry for each individual module above

Further requirements

Choose 120 credits in academic year

Study abroad

In the case of students who spend part of the Honours programme on a recognised Study Abroad scheme, the Programme Requirements will be amended to take into account overseas courses which are approved by the relevant St Andrews School in the Learning Agreement (see ).